GLA:D Canada will be undergoing regular maintenance on Saturday March 8 from 9PM EST. Disruptions should be minimal. Thank you for your patience.
GLA:D Canada will be undergoing regular maintenance on Saturday March 8 from 9PM EST. Disruptions should be minimal. Thank you for your patience.



All participating centres will have ethics approval prior to launching the program and participant consent processes are included in the data collection. The data capture and storage processes have been developed within cross-jurisdictional privacy and confidentiality requirements and ethical principles and requirements for research involving any form of program evaluation with human participants. Data sharing agreements will be put in place between the data host site and each participating centre. Each centre will have access to their own data. Anyone that requires data from additional sites must be approved by the GLA:D™ Canada data oversight committee.

Any individuals who are interested in undertaking research, or any study on the GLA:D™ Canada program must complete the forms below and submit them to the GLAD™ Canada National team at The submissions will be reviewed by an oversight research committee for approval recommendations. This will ensure data security, alignment with the research and evaluation being undertaken in the different programs across the country and will avoid duplication of projects.

Application for GLA:D Data Access

Data Access Manual

GLA:D HIP Variable Request for Research Applications

GLA:D KNEE Variable Request for Research Applications

If the data access committee identifies that the project should proceed then discussions will include use of data, publications etc. and an agreement will be signed by all parties. The group submitting the proposal will be required to pay a nominal fee for creation of the dataset and will assume all other costs related to data analysis and dissemination.

Any publication must be reviewed by GLA:D™ Canada project team before submission with a 30 day turn around.

Patients who have gone through the GLA:D™ Canada program are invited to share their feedback with this short form.

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