GLA:D Canada will be undergoing regular maintenance on Saturday March 8 from 9PM EST. Disruptions should be minimal. Thank you for your patience.
GLA:D Canada will be undergoing regular maintenance on Saturday March 8 from 9PM EST. Disruptions should be minimal. Thank you for your patience.

GLA:D™ Canada Data Collection


Outcome information will be collected electronically on each of the individuals with osteoarthritis (OA) participating in the GLA:D™ Canada program. These data will describe the participant population as well as track their outcomes directly after the program and at one year to determine the sustainability of the outcomes. These results will help to describe the participants who participate in the program as well as ensure the quality of treatment both locally and at the provincial level.

The information is entered into the system at the start of the program (baseline), after completion of the education and exercise sessions (about 3 months from baseline) and 12 months from baseline.

The information collected with include the following patient-reported information:

  1. Pain intensity (Numeric pain rating scale 0-10, with 0 being the worst and 10 the best )
  2. Quality of life (EQ-5D or Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score).
  3. Physical activity (days of the week with at least 30 minutes of physical activity, 0-7 days)
  4. Self-efficacy (Average of the two subscales Pain and Other symptoms from the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale ASES; 10-100, 10 being the worst and 100 is best). Self-efficacy is in this case the patient’s confidence in themselves to improve pain and other symptoms.
  5. Body Mass Index (BMI)
  6. Work and sick leave
  7. Medications and desire for surgery

There are two physical tests that are used in GLA:D™ Canada which measure functional ability. The first test is how many times a person can stand up from a seated position in 30 seconds, which measures muscle function in the legs. The second is how long it takes to walk 40 meters, which measures walking speed. These are standardized tests that are taught as part of the training and conducted by the trainer. In addition, data on patient satisfaction and compliance (participation) is collected after 3 months and again after 12 months.

The database can be made available to the trainers and can be used to track the performance of their program through the patient-reported outcomes of their participants. This will allow each site to monitor their quality and improve their own program.

The database will also be used at a provincial level to monitor the success of the programs within the provinces to improve quality and access to the program. The data will also be used to continue to develop and improve the program as new evidence becomes available.

Patients who have gone through the GLA:D™ Canada program are invited to share their feedback with this short form.

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